Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Completion Pact

The Completion Pact
Gender Unit
Pallisa district is a rice growing district and thus have had several children dropping out of school to work on the rice farms. The girls are married off by their parents or even taken away as house helps for the rich farmers. This has led to the decline in enrollment and completion rates in this district especially at Primary level. As a result of the above factors the schools have come up with an initiative to keep all children in school. This is the COMPLETION PACT/ AGREEMENT.
The completion pact is an agreement signed by the head teacher, parents, local council, members of the school management committee and the pupil. This agreement binds all the parties to ensure that the children are kept in school and complete school. The school keeps a copy of the pact and it’s used as a reference point for all parties.
In Pallisa one of the districts supported by the UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality (UNJPGE), Lamolit Primary school has used this pact to keep girls in school and thus increased on the completion rate. The children sign the agreement in lue of accepting to stay in school and the parents also agree not to take their children out of school for early marriage and child labor. The local council, community and the teachers ensure safety of children to and from school. In 2011 net intake in primary school was 84% for boys and 87% for girls. The completion rate for boys was 75% and girls 69%.
In 2012, 3 girls and 1 boy were brought back to school in Lamolit Primary School. This was as a result of the completion pact signed. “Several parents have been held liable by schools and police for breaking this agreement and taken to prison for violating the signed agreement /pact,” says the senior woman teacher Lamolit Primary School.
To avoid any other criminal ocurancies the parents have been in position to live by the agreement signed with the school to keep the girls and boys in school. The community with the help of the local council has also ensured that children go to school and that they move safely to and from school.
The pact is in line with the education act2008 part 111 on provision of education and training 4(1) which reads in part (1) Provision of education and training to the child shall be in joint responsibility of the state, parents or guardian and other stakeholders.
The completion pact is an innovation that districts and schools are encouraged to borrow in order to promote enrolment and retention of our children.

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