Friday 24 August 2012

Gender Mainstreaming in the Uganda Education sector

Welcome to the Gender in Education blog-sphere; let us begin the conversation!!

Gender inequality in Uganda has remained persistent even with interventions and policies in place. The National Development Plan (2010-2014/15) has an objective under the Social Development of “Promoting gender equality and women empowerment by ensuring equitable access to opportunities and participation in the development process”. Among the listed interventions are the strengthening of technical capacity for gender and equity mainstreaming in plans, policy analysis and evaluation; as well as promoting and conducting gender responsive budgeting. The Gender in Education Sector Policy also recommends capacity building for the gender mainstreaming as a key role for Ministry of Education and Sports.

For this cause, Government of Uganda received funding from Irish Aid through the Budget Monitoring Unit of Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. The funds will facilitate mainstreaming of gender in all programs and processes for Ministry of Education and Sports.

The Ministry of Education has set up a gender mainstreaming Unit to enhance gender mainstreaming in the sector.

The staff in the unit started working in April 2012 and so far, the Unit has undertaken the following activities:

  • Conducted a Rapid Needs Assessment exercise for all departments in MoES
  • Engendered Tools for the PAF Joint monitoring.
  • Made proposals for departments to integrate specific gender items into their budgets and plans for FY 2012/13.
  • Trained gender and budget focal point staff in Gender and Equity budgeting.

In the month of September the Unit with funding from UNDP and Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development will conduct a Participatory Gender Audit (PGA) with all staff of the Ministry and Development partners. The Audit is intended at assessing internal practices and gender support systems as well as establishing baselines and identifying gaps. All members of staff are encouraged to be part of this activity and to make use of the Technical Assistance within the Gender Unit Staff.

“Gender equality must be a lived reality”

Maggie Kasiko
Gender Technical Adviser/ MoES


  1. Wow! This is very informative... looking forward to meaningful interaction on this topic.
